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Arrival & Dismissal

Traffic Pattern

Kiva is fortunate to have two split parking lots, which helps expedite student drop-off and pick-up quickly.  However, having two parking lots, we have more moving pieces in our arrival and dismissal plan. 

Following our Kiva Traffic Plan will decrease arrival and dismissal wait time.  Below is an overview and detailed traffic plans for each gate. 

Kiva Overall Traffic Pattern: 

Kiva has an office entrance, a cafeteria entrance, and three gates (A, B, C). 
  • The office entrance is located at the northmost point of campus closest to McDonald Dr. 
  • The cafeteria entrance is located south of the east parking lot.
  • Gate A is located in the north-front parking lot near the office.
  • Gate B is located near the cafeteria in the east parking lot.
  • Gate C is located southwest of the front parking lot
Arrival and Dismissal Times
  • Gates open at 8:20 a.m. and close at 8:40 a.m.
  • School dismissal begins at 3:15 p.m. and 1:15 p.m. on early release dates 
  • After 8:40 a.m. students must enter the office and be marked tardy.  
Finding the Correct Gate
  • Gate A: Kindergarten-2nd grades will drop off and pick up at Gate A.
  • Gate B: 3rd-5th grades will drop off and pick up at Gate B.
  • Gate C: Pre-K must park and sign students in/out at Gate C. 
  • Kids Club: Use the cafeteria entrance. 
  • Families with multiple students will drop off and pick up all siblings at the youngest sibling’s gate.  
  • See attached maps for location of gates. 
Traffic Pattern
  • All Traffic must enter from McDonald Dr. (Most likely driving west)
  • Drop-off and pick-up lanes will overflow.  Please only queue in the McDonald Dr. turning lane headed west.  
  • Queuing in the eastbound lane will block traffic and cut the car line.
  • Please do not block the entrance to Gate A parking lot to allow cars to enter and turn left immediately to park and pick up.
  • Each parking lot will queue two lanes and merge into one with the help of a staff member. 
  • Please pull as far forward as you can. There will be staff members and cones marking the drop-off and pick-up zones.
  • Gate A traffic may exit east or west.
  • Gate B traffic must turn right leaving the parking lot. 


Parking and Pick-up Option
  • Parents may choose to park and meet their students at the gate. 
  • Please see the maps for specific parent waiting areas and student release points.
  • Notify your teacher and student of the park and pick-up option.
  • If communication breaks down and your student is in the pick-up drive lane, understand that the staff's priority is supervision and drop-off lane safety. 
Traffic Tips from KC the Cougar 
  • Safety First: Please drive the speed limit and be attentive.
  • Thank you to parents who park and pick up for waiting in the designated parent areas.
  • Students should be able to buckle themselves independently into a car seat.
  • Students should be exiting and entering vehicles on their own. Teachers on duty are for supervision. They will help and support when needed.
  • Remember to pull forward and be ready to exit/enter the vehicle.  Be ready to exit, say goodbyes, and gather materials before the drop-off zone.
Traffic Maps: Click on the links below

Overall Traffic Pattern

Gate A and C Detail Map

Gate B Detail Map